Shark News
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bunk Room Basics

This year, for the first time ever, Incredible Adventures is offering an overnight trip to San Francisco's Farallon Islands. Adventurers will spend two days cage diving with great white sharks and experiencing life aboard a real, working research and expedition vessel. The White Holly is a 133 ft former US Coast Guard cutter. Participants arrive at the dock in Sausalito on Friday night, overnight on the boat and depart for the Farallons bright and early. Captain Vince will have everyone back to the dock Sunday evening. The question of "where will I sleep" comes up often. There are five bunk rooms for guests. Four feature two-bunks each and one features four bunks. The $1175 price is a great deal and includes meals aboard the boat, use of a wet suit and hookah equipment.

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